Performative Systems_ by Zayad Motlib

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Designing with environmental sensibility is evolving as a vital subject in architecture on both professional and academic level. We are at a critical moment wherein environmental considerations are becoming increasingly important in the design process. As the demand for green energy is increasing, buildings are expected to reduce their energy demand, as well as consumption. However, the current trend in education tends to separate architectural design courses from sustainable design. While the first treats architecture as a form of art that is devoid from any environmental responsibility, the second emphasizes the importance of the technical aspect as a separate specialized design layer. Blending the two layers, art and science, in a holistic integrated manner is a new challenge that is facing architecture on both educational as well as professional level.

The presentation will introduce the conceptual framework of some of the latest projects at AmorphouStudio that were designed in response to Dubai environmental data - It will also demonstrate some of the design and fabrication workshops that were conducted at d-NAT (Dubai Network for Art, Architecture and Technology), and were inspired by the complex self-organizing systems found in natural organic formations and patterns - Using a hybrid process of analogue tools and algorithmic codes, these projects aim to investigate the symbiotic relationship amid nature and technology to bridge the gap between aesthetic and performance.

inFORMed Systems _By Zayad Motlib


inFORMed Systems is an exploration of novel digital design to fabrication techniques that are inspired by the complex self-organizing systems found in natural organic formations and patterns. By examining these systems as information processes, we develop data set to inform possible design strategies using a combination of algorithmic codes and digital tools. The new design strategies aim to investigate the symbiotic relationship amid nature and technology to bridge the gap between aesthetic and performance. Drawing a parallel between natural systems behavior and computer processes, inFORMed systems are directed to produce adaptive spatial results and forms across a wide range of scales - from material to urban scale and vertical structures.

The presentation will also introduce the conceptual framework of some of the design and fabrication workshops that were conducted at d-NAT (Dubai Network for Art, Architecture and Technology) which can be viewed at, and some of the current interdisciplinary projects at AmorphouStudio. The demonstrated projects span across different scales, from jewelry scale to products design, furniture, architecture, and urban planning, and will focus on the design of new topologies of adaptive forms that are designed in response to Dubai environmental data.


Fragmented Hives

Honeycombs structure and geometry have fascinated architects and artists for a long time. Their geometry and mathematical perfection brought mystery and fascination. In architecture, honeycombs were an inspirational source behind the creation of a variety of forms and skins.

Fragmented Hives’ was initially conceived as a visual art installation for Sikka 2014 - Dubai. The project title and the morphology of the then installation derives its inspiration from the structural and design principles of a beehive. The honey comb structure of the beehive is a variation of the rhombic dodecahedron that minimises the surface area for a given volume. For a long time, scientists have been studying the bees extensively to understand how they thrive through simple communications and processes to achieve sustenance and complexity. Such systems are primarily driven by the requirement of optimising the process, there by using optimum resources to meet the vital requirements of the system to survive. These concepts have often been extended to our built environments and material properties to achieve strength, durability and adaptability. 

Having said this, the interest of the installation was explore the audience interactivity and the fabrication process of building individual hexagonal cells which could then be attached to each other; contributing to the overall morphology of the installation. This act resembles the notion of each bee building its own cells for storing food and to house the ‘brood’ (eggs, larvae, and pupae). 

The presentation by Zayad Motlib and Muhammed Shameel will discuss few theories behind the honeycombs formation. The installation set base for two other projects that were realised in 2015- Beehive 2.0 and AAVS ‘Scaffold Fabrication’. The 45 minute presentation will showcase the project development and its evolution in last two years. 

Invisible Order

Join us in a journey through time and space to explore the wonders of the unseen world. Our first getting together Monthly events. A selected two Tedx talks on the subject of the intersection of Art, Design, and Technology will explore the invisible transformation of data into matter that is un-deductable by the normal human senses. Recent advancement in technological devises enabled us to delve into new domains of visual wonder. They revealed the hidden pattern produced by these phenomena which can inspire new design thinking.

Over a cup of coffee on friday afternoon, we will instigate a discussion among like-minded people to question and better understand the potential of these observations. The aim is to promote social innovation through sharing and exchange of ideas.

These events are free of charge, and we are planning to run them first friday of every month. Please invite any friends who are interested in these subjects.

Our first getting together will take place on March 6, 2015. Looking forward to seeing you there.